I finally got some good pictures of the milky way! Ive tried lots of times before but with no good results. But this time I did it! I posted the pictures in my portfolio but also on my flickr check them out!

The first thing you need to do to take a good shoot of the milky way is to find a place where there are no street lights or light pollution. Somewere dark! The moon need also to be as small as possible, if its full moon it will take out most of the stars through its light. Youll need a good tripod and a good wide angel lense. When it comes to camera settings you can play around a little to find the best at your location. But in general youll need shutter speed at 20-30sec, aperture at your lowest 2,8-3,5 and iso around 2000 to 5000. The more light you can get the more stars will show up on your picture!

I also did star trail pictures. And its basically lots of pictures added together into one picture. I think if you set your camera to 25 sec exposure for an intervall of 90 minutes youll get a picture like the one I got on my flickr. But what you need here is a remote timer on your camera that is set to take a new picture as soon as the last one is taken. So that there will be no clitches in between the star trails. The you need som kind of post pruduction softweare to combine all the photos. I suggest photoshop. Alright thats all for now!
